Scott and Debby
Oregon Motor Coach’s moto is “Driving the new standard in service”, what an extremely needed service they provide! We really appreciate the Technicians diagnosing issues correctly and repairing them. The Mechanics are top notch and we trust them completely!!

John K
When you live full time in something that could break down and leave you homeless. You need a reliable source for information, service, and repairs. My relationship with Brad & the Oregon Motor Couch Center brings me comfort in my constantly moving world.

The expertise at Oregon Motor Company is phenomenal, the workmanship top notch along with heart warming personalities. -Akasha

Allan and Sheryl K
Today my wife and I own our 2nd CC-a 2008 Affinity. I am more impressed today than ever regarding both the engineering and craftsmanship that my Country Coach embodies. My wife says that we love our Country Coach more the longer we own it…Want the best-Dream Country Coach.

Terry S
I have personally driven a wide variety of high end motor coaches up the Alcan highway to Alaska for 17 years and I love a Country Coach…The quality and fit and finish of the cabinetry is amazing. The Seikens paint and clear coat on the Country Coaches keeps the exterior finish looking like it is brand new and the DynoMax chassis with the independent front suspension makes the stoutness, ride and maneuverability incredible compared to other manufacturers.

Bill W and Chancey
Coming Soon!
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